John was awarded an MA in Politics from the University of Glasgow in 1994. Whilst continuing his studies at Glasgow, he lectured part-time in HM Prison, Saughton, Edinburgh before gaining an MPhil in Urban Policy in 1998.
John was employed as a research associate at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow before becoming a lecturer in Housing Studies at the University of Glasgow. He joined the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam in 2005 and was appointed Professor in 2007.
In 2011 he moved to the University of Sheffield as Professor of Town and Regional Planning in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (formerly TRP). He was Head of Department between 2012 and 2016 and then Interim Head of the Department of Geography until September 2017. John was Faculty Director of Research and Innovation from 2017 to 2022.
John became Deputy Vice President for Research in September 2022. He was a REF sub-panel member in 2021 and 2014 and was previously Co-Managing Editor of the Housing Studies Journal and a Trustee of the Urban Studies Foundation. He is a Trustee of the Housing Studies Charitable Trust.
Recent Publications
- Class, Ethnicity and State in the Polarized Metropolis. Springer International Publishing.
Edited books
- Bigotry, Football and Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- The future of sustainable cities: Critical reflections..
- Community cohesion in crisis?: New dimensions of diversity and difference..
- Housing, urban governance and anti-social behaviour: Perspectives, policy and practice..
Journal articles
- A place to call home: the first 90 years of the Hornsey Housing Trust. Housing Studies, 39(10), 2718-2720.
- The lived experiences and temporality of estate regeneration. International Journal of Housing Policy, 23(2), 417-420.
- Understanding Changing Housing Aspirations: A review of the evidence. Housing Studies. View this article in WRRO
- Encounters with the centaur state: Advanced urban marginality and the practices and ethics of welfare sanctions regimes. Urban Studies, 56(1), 249-265. View this article in WRRO
- Welfare conditionality and social marginality: The folly of the tutelary state?. Critical Social Policy. View this article in WRRO
- Gamers or victims of the system? Welfare reform, cynical manipulation and vulnerability. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 24(2), 171-185. View this article in WRRO
- Intensive Family Intervention and the Problem Figuration of ‘Troubled Families’. Social Policy and Society, 15(2), 263-274. View this article in WRRO
- Rational Fictions and Imaginary Systems: Cynical Ideology and the Problem Figuration and Practise of Public Housing. Housing Studies, 30(5), 792-807. View this article in WRRO
- Introduction to the Special Issue of Human Figurations on Civilising Offensives. Human Figurations, 4(1).
- Housing and the Realignment of Urban Socio-Spatial Contracts. Housing, Theory and Society, 32(1), 39-53. View this article in WRRO
- Policing public housing: New York and British cities. Safer Communities, 12(1), 13-23.
- Talking ’bout poor folks (thinking ’bout my folks): perspectives on comparative poverty in working class households. International Journal of Housing Policy, 13(1), 1-19.
- Catholic schools and sectarianism in scotland: Educational places and the production and negotiation of urban space. Policy Futures in Education, 10(5), 507-517.
- Housing Policy, the Right to the City and the Construction of Knowledge. International Journal of Housing Policy, 12(3), 253-261.
- Conceptualising the Contexts, Mechanisms and Outcomes of Intensive Family Intervention Projects. Social Policy and Society, 11(3), 345-358.
- The Inspection House and Neglected Dynamics of Governance: The Case of Domestic Visits in Family Intervention Projects. Housing Studies, 27(6), 822-838.
- The English City Riots of 2011, ‘Broken Britain’ and the Retreat into the Present. Sociological Research Online, 17(3), 153-162.
- A Review of “The Knowledge Business: The Commodification of Urban and Housing Research”. International Journal of Housing Policy, 11(3), 321-324.
- The role of sanctions in intensive support and rehabilitation: Rhetoric, rationalities and realities. British Journal of Community Justice, 9(1-2), 55-67.
- Housing studies, social class and being towards dwelling. Housing, Theory and Society, 28(1), 75-91.
- Faith and housing in England: Promoting community cohesion or contributing to urban segregation?. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(2), 257-274.
- Governing marginalised populations: the role of coercion, support and agency. European Journal of Homelessness, 3, 247-260.
- Social landlords and the regulation of conduct in urban spaces in the United Kingdom. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 9(4), 415-435.
- A Review of “DIY Community Action: Neighbourhood Problems and Community Self-Help, Liz Richardson, Bristol, Policy Press, 2008, ISBN 978-1-84742-0-848”. European Journal of Housing Policy, 9(3), 355-357.
- Book Review. Journal of Urban Design, 14(1), 118-120.
- (In)formalization and the Civilizing Process: Applying the Work of Norbert Elias to Housing‐Based Anti‐Social Behaviour Interventions in the UK. Housing, Theory and Society, 26(3), 159-178.
- Migrant information packs and the colonisation of civility in the UK. Space and Polity, 13(2), 127-140.
- Cultures, ghettos and camps: Sites of exception and antagonism in the city. Housing Studies, 24(4), 417-431.
- Urban safety, anti-social behaviour and the night-time economy. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 9(4), 403-413.
- Governing Sectarianism in Scotland. Scottish Affairs, 63 (First Serie(1), 120-137.
- Active citizenship in the governance of anti-social behaviour in the UK: exploring the non-reporting of incidents. People, Place and Policy Online, 1(2), 69-79.
- Book Reviews. Urban Studies, 44(9), 1857-1867.
- Book Reviews. Urban Studies, 44(8), 1619-1629.
- In response to Jon Burnett: ‘Britain‘s ‘civilising’ project: community cohesion and core values’ [35:2 April 2007]. Policy & Politics, 35(3), 567-569.
- Faith schools, multiculturalism and community cohesion: Muslim and Roman Catholic state schools in England and Scotland. Policy and Politics, 35(2), 251-268.
- Book Reviews. Urban Studies, 44(2), 417-422.
- ‘Britain’s ‘civilising’ project: community cohesion and core values’ [35 : 2 April 2007] – In response to Jon Burnett. Policy and Politics, 35(3), 568-569.
- Responding to young people’s involvement in anti-social behaviour: A study of local initiatives in Manchester and Glasgow. Youth and Policy, 93, 21-40.
- Governing neighbours: Anti-social behaviour orders and new forms of regulating conduct in the UK. Urban Studies, 43(5-6), 939-955.
- Maintaining an arm’s length? Housing, community governance and the management of ‘problematic’ populations. Housing Studies, 21(2), 171-186.
- Surveillance and exclusion practices in the governance of access to shopping centres on periphery estates in the UK. Surveillance and Society, 4(1-2), 52-68.
- Surveillance and exclusion practices in the governance of access to shopping centres on periphery estates in the UK. Surveillance & Society, 4(1/2), 52-68.
- Citizen empowerment strategies and anti-social behaviour policy in the UK. Geographie Economie Societe, 8(1), 17-36.
- Housing, neighbourhood renewal and social capital: The case of registered social landlords in Scotland. European Journal of Housing Policy, 6(1), 31-54.
- Gated cities of today? Barricaded residential development in England. Town Planning Review, 76(4), 401-422.
- Fortress UK? Gated communities, the spatial revolt of the elites and time–space trajectories of segregation. Housing Studies, 19(6), 875-892.
- The responsible tenant: housing governance and the politics of behaviour. Housing Studies, 19(6), 893-909.
- Enabling and Cohesive or Irrelevant and Divisive? The Role of Church of Scotland Congregations in Scottish Communities. Scottish Affairs, 48 (First Serie(1), 108-129.
- Order born of chaos? The capacity for informal social control in disempowered and ‘disorganised’ neighbourhoods. Policy & Politics, 32(3), 333-350.
- Stock Responses to Disorder?. Criminal Justice Matters, 55(1), 10-11.
- Reconfiguring Agency and Responsibility in the Governance of Social Housing in Scotland. Urban Studies, 41(1), 151-172.
- Housing and ethopolitics: constructing identities of active consumption and responsible community. Economy and Society, 32(4), 611-629.
- . Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 18(3), 213-232.
- Return of the Governors: Citizenship and the New Governance of Neighbourhood Disorder in the UK. Citizenship Studies, 6(3), 245-264.
- Social Housing Agencies and the Governance of Anti-social Behaviour. Housing Studies, 17(4), 619-637.
- Communities, places and institutional relations: assessing the role of area-based community representation in local governance. Political Geography, 20(5), 585-612.
- Accessing hidden and hard to reach populations: snowball research strategies. Social Research Update, 33.
- UNHOMING, TRAUMA AND WAITING: The Post‐Grenfell Building Safety Crisis in England. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.
- New flawed consumers? Problem figuration, responsibility and identities in the English building safety crisis. Housing Studies, 1-21.
- Urban rhythms in a small home: COVID-19 as a mechanism of exception. Urban Studies.
- Living in a small home: expectations, impression management, and compensatory practices. Housing Studies.
- Beyond the noosphere? Northern England’s ‘left behind’ urbanism, Global Urbanism (pp. 80-87). Routledge
- Introduction: Putting Wacquant to Work, Class, Ethnicity and State in the Polarized Metropolis (pp. 1-21). Springer International Publishing
- Introduction: Putting Wacquant to Work, Class, Ethnicity and State in the Polarized Metropolis: Putting Wacquant to Work (pp. 1-21).
- Youth unemployment, interdependence and power: tensions and resistance within an alternative, ‘co-produced’ employment programme In Bevir M, McKee K & Matthews P (Ed.), Decentring Urban Governance: Narratives, Resistance and Contestation (pp. 38-64). London: Routledge.
- Foucault’s duel: constructed narratives and webs of meaning in anti-social behaviour and welfare benefits governance in the United Kingdom In Bevir M, McKee K & Matthews P (Ed.), Decentring Urban Governance: Narratives, Resistance and Contestation (pp. 15-37). London: Routledge.
- Crime and the city: urban encounters, civility and tolerance In Liebling A, Maruna S & McAra L (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Criminology (pp. 522-540). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Anti-social Behaviour in Britain Palgrave Macmillan UK View this article in WRRO
- Football Hooliganism, Fan Behaviour and Crime Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Individualization and Social Dis/integration in Contemporary Society: A Comparative Note on Zygmunt Bauman and Norbert Elias, Norbert Elias and Social Theory (pp. 261-274). Palgrave Macmillan US View this article in WRRO
- To know the city: urban policing innovations in the post-Soviet Republic of Georgia, Policing Cities (pp. 61-75). Routledge
- Football and bigotry in scotland In Flint J & Kelly J (Ed.), Bigotry, Football and Scotland (pp. 2-16). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Scottish enlightenment and the sectarianism civilising offensive In Flint J & Kelly J (Ed.), Bigotry, Football and Scotland (pp. 82-96). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Necessary debates and future research and policy imperatives In Flint J & Kelly J (Ed.), Bigotry, Football and Scotland (pp. 214-222). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Reconfiguring urban Britain: Policing, spatial justice and postmodern (in)security, Policing Cities: Urban Securitization And Regulation In A Twenty-First Century World (pp. 147-160).
- Necessary Debates and Future Research and Policy Imperatives, BIGOTRY, FOOTBALL AND SCOTLAND (pp. 215-222).
- Football and Bigotry in Scotland, BIGOTRY, FOOTBALL AND SCOTLAND (pp. 3-16).
- Towards a new politics of urban sustainability, The Future of Sustainable Cities: Critical Reflections (pp. 243-252).
- Introduction: Characterising the ‘new’ politics of sustainability: From managing growth to coping with crisis In Flint J & Race M (Ed.), The Future of Sustainable Cities: Critical Reflections (pp. 3-27). Bristol: Policy Press.
- Neighbourhood sustainability: Residents’ perceptions and perspectives, The Future of Sustainable Cities: Critical Reflections (pp. 203-224).
- View this article in WRRO Civilising offensives: Education, football and ‘Eradicating’ sectarianism in Scotland, Securing Respect: Behavioural Expectations and Anti-Social Behaviour in the UK (pp. 219-238).
- Neighborhoods and Community, International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (pp. 354-359). Elsevier
- On the governance of social housing In Czischke D (Ed.), Urban Regeneration in Europe: The Place of Housing in Integrated Urban Policies – Current Perspectives (pp. 35-44). Berlin: CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory.
- Subversive subjects and conditional, earned and denied citizenship, Subversive Citizens: Power, Agency and Resistance in Public Services (pp. 83-98).
- Faith-based schools: Institutionalising parallel lives?, Faith in the Public Realm: Controversies, Policies and Practices (pp. 163-182).
- Introduction In Flint J & Robinson D (Ed.), Community Cohesion in Crisis? New Dimensions of Diversity and Difference (pp. 1-13). Bristol: Policy Press.
- Welfare state institutions and secessionary neighbourhood spaces, Community Cohesion in Crisis?: New Dimensions of Diversity and Difference (pp. 159-176).
- Governing through localism, contract and community: evidence from anti-social behaviour strategies in Scotland In Squires P (Ed.), ASBO Nation: The criminalisation of nuisance (pp. 103-116). Bristol: Policy Press.
- New governance of youth disorder: A study of local initiatives, Securing an Urban Renaissance: Crime, Community, and British Urban Policy (pp. 165-182).
- Introduction In Flint J (Ed.), Housing, Urban Goverance and Anti-Social Behaviour (pp. 1-16). Bristol: Policy Press.
- Active responsible citizens? Changing neighbourhoods, changing order In Dearling A, Newburn T & Somerville P (Ed.), Supporting Safer Communities: Housing, crime and neighbourhoods (pp. 29-44). Coventry: Chartered Institute of Housing.
- Housing and the new governance of conduct, Housing, Urban Governance and Anti-Social Behaviour: Perspectives, Policy and Practice (pp. 19-36).
- The role of Church of Scotland congregations in community development In McKay J (Ed.), Netting Citizens (pp. 249-270). Edinburgh: St Andrews Press.
- Race, Ethnicity and Football Routledge
- Governing by civil order: towards new frameworks of support, coercion and sanction?, Regulation and Criminal Justice (pp. 192-210). Cambridge University Press
- Conclusion, Disability and Social Theory Palgrave Macmillan
- Conclusion, The Transformation of Global Health Governance Palgrave Macmillan
Book reviews
- Public housing myths: perception, reality and social policy. Housing Studies, 31(3), 359-361.
- Driving Detroit: The Quest for Respect in the Motor City. Housing Studies, 29(7), 999-1001.
- New Deal Ruins: Race, Economic Justice and Public Housing Policy. Housing Studies, 29(3), 458-460.
- Place, Identity and Everyday Life in a Globalizing World. HOUSING STUDIES, 28(7), 1096-1098.
- Social Mix and the City: Challenging the Mixed Communities Consensus in Housing and Urban Planning Policies. HOUSING STUDIES, 28(5), 801-803.
- Regimes of Social Cohesion: Societies and the Crisis of Globalization. INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY, 28(2), 205-208.
- Housing and Inequality. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY, 41, 637-638.
- Governing Independence and Expertise: The Business of Housing Associations. SOC LEGAL STUD, 20(2), 266-268.
- Understanding Community: Politics, Policy and Practice. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDIES, 37(4), 467-469.
- The Fundamentalist City? Religiosity and the Remaking of Urban Space. HOUSING STUD, 26(2), 297-299.
- Criminalising Social Policy: Anti-social Behaviour and Welfare in a De-civilised Society. URBAN STUD, 46(9), 2005-2007.
- In dwelling: Implacability, exclusion and acceptance. HOUSING STUD, 23(5), 806-807.
- Housing contemporary Ireland: Policy, society and shelter. URBAN STUD, 45(1), 237-239.
- Out of sight: Crime, youth and exclusion in modern Britain. URBAN STUD, 44(8), 1623-1625.
- Anti-social behaviour and disorder: powers and remedies 2nd edition. HOUSING STUD, 22(4), 620-622.
- Building on the past: Visions of housing futures. URBAN STUD, 44(2), 419-421.
- Imagine a metropolis: Rotterdam’s creative class, 1970-2000. URBAN STUDIES, 44(9), 1860-1861.
- Key Issues in Housing. Local Government Studies, 31(3), 373-382.
Conference proceedings papers
- Loic Wacquant Commentaries. People, Place and Policy Online, Vol. 10(2) (pp 174-184) View this article in WRRO
Dictionary/encyclopaedia entries
- Neighborhoods and Community. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography: Volume 1-12 (Vol 1-12).
- Snowball Sampling. In The A to Z of Social Research. London: Sage.
- Snowball Sampling Sage Publications, Inc..