Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership: Now Recruiting for PhDs for October 2025

Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership: Now Recruiting for PhDs for October 2025

About Yorkshire Bioscience DTP (Formerly White Rose BBSRC DTP in Mechanistic Biology):

YBDTP brings together world-class bioscience research and innovation, as well as excellence in doctoral supervision, across the region. YBDTP will fund postgraduate researchers at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield, York, Bradford, Hull, Leeds Beckett, Sheffield Hallam and Teesside forming a strong regional training partnership. 

In YBDTP you’ll benefit from a regional doctoral training programme that has interdisciplinary collaboration at its core. The aim is to enable you to develop a range of research skills in biological, biotechnology and biochemical areas as well as equip you with core data analysis and professional skills that are necessary for bioscience research and related non-academic careers.

How to apply:

Application deadline: Friday 14th March 2025. A list of available projects for October 2025 recruitment is available here.


A tax-free annual stipend at the standard UKRI rate (£19,237 for 2024/25 entry), research costs and tuition fees at UK rate

Academic year: 


Open to: 

International (including EU) and UK (home) students


Open to International (including EU) and UK (home) students.

You can apply if you have, or are expecting to gain, at least an upper second-class honours degree or equivalent. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this programme, we welcome applications if your background is in any biological, chemical or physical science or mathematics and are interested in using your skills in addressing biological questions. International students should check if they meet the entry requirements for their country.

We aim to support the most outstanding applicants from outside the UK and are able to offer a limited number of bursaries that will enable full studentships to be awarded to international (EU and non-EU) applicants. These full studentships will only be awarded to exceptional quality candidates, due to the competitive nature of this scheme. 

The Yorkshire Bioscience DTP is committed to recruiting extraordinary future scientists regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation or career pathway to date. We understand that commitment and excellence can be shown in many ways and have built our recruitment process to reflect this. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds, particularly those underrepresented in science, who have curiosity, creativity and a drive to learn new skills.

Not all projects will be funded; a limited number of candidates will be appointed via a competitive process.

English language:

If English isn’t your first language, you may need to provide evidence of your English language ability.